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Text File | 1993-12-06 | 49.6 KB | 1,489 lines |
- Info file: geomview, -*-Text-*-
- produced by texinfo-format-buffer
- from file: geomview.tex
- File: geomview Node: Cameras, Prev: Lighting Panel, Up: Interaction, Next: Saving
- Cameras
- =======
- A camera in Geomview is the object that corresponds to a camera window.
- By default there is only one camera, but it is possible to have as many
- as you want. You can control certain aspects of the way the world is
- drawn in each camera window via the *Cameras* panel.
- If the target object is a camera, the *Cameras* panel affects that
- camera. If the target object is not a camera, the *Cameras* panel
- affects the "current camera". The current camera is the camera of
- the window that the mouse cursor is in, or was in most recently if the
- cursor is not in a camera window. Thus, if you use the keyboard
- shortcuts for the actions in the *Cameras* panel while the cursor
- is in a camera window, the actions apply to that camera, unless you have
- explicitly selected another camera.
- *Add Camera*
- Clicking on this button causes Geomview to create a new camera. The
- new camera's window appears, and an entry for it appears in the
- *TARGET* browser of the *Main* panel.
- *Software Shading*
- This button controls whether Geomview does shading calculations in software.
- The default is to let the hardware handle them, and in Euclidean space
- this is almost certainly best because it is faster. In hyperbolic and
- spherical space, however, the shading calculations that the hardware
- does are incorrect. Click this button to turn on correct but slower
- software shading.
- *Background Color*
- This button brings up a color chooser which you can use to set the
- background color of the camera's window.
- This browser lets you pick between perspective and orthogonal projection
- for this camera.
- *Near clip*
- This determines the distance in world coordinates of the near clipping
- plane from the eye point. It must be a positive number.
- *Far clip*
- This determines the distance in world coordinates of the far clipping
- plane from the eye point. It must be a positive number and in general
- should be larger than the *Near clip* value.
- *FOV*
- This is the camera's field of view, measured in its shorter direction.
- In perspective mode, it is an angle in degrees. In orthographic mode,
- it is the linear size of the field of view. This number can be modified
- with the mouse in *Cam Zoom* mode.
- *Focal Length*
- The focal length is intended to suggest the distance from the camera to
- an imaginary plane of interest. Its value is used when switching
- between orthographic and perspective views (and during stereo viewing),
- so as to preserve apparent size of objects lying at the focal distance
- from the camera.
- *Lines Closer*
- This number has to do with the way lines are drawn. Normally Geomview's
- z-buffering algorithm can get confused when drawing lines that lie
- exactly on surfaces (such as the edges of an object); due to machine
- round-off error, sometimes the lines appear to be in front of the
- surface and sometimes they appear behind it. The *Lines Closer*
- value is a fudge factor --- Geomview nudges all the lines that it draws
- closer to the camera by this amount. The number should be a small
- integer; try 5 or 10. 0 turns this feature off completely. Choosing
- too large a value will make lines visible even though they should be
- hidden.
- This determines the model used to draw the world. It is most useful in
- hyperbolic and spherical spaces. You probably don't need to touch this
- browser if you stay in Euclidean space. For more information about
- these models, *Note Non-Euclidean Geometry::.
- *Virtual*
- This is the default model and represents the natural view from inside
- the space.
- *Projective*
- The projective model of hyperbolic and spherical space. Geoms move
- under isometries of the space, and cameras move by Euclidean motions.
- By default in the projective model, the Euclidean unit sphere is drawn.
- In hyperbolic space this is the sphere at infinity. In Euclidean space
- the projective model is the same as the virtual model except that the
- sphere is drawn by default.
- *Conformal*
- The conformal model of hyperbolic and spherical space. Geoms move under
- isometries of the space, and cameras move by Euclidean motions. In
- Euclidean space, the conformal model amounts to inverting everything in
- the unit sphere.
- *Draw Sphere*
- This controls whether Geomview draws the unit sphere. By default the
- unit sphere appears in the projective and conformal models. In
- hyperbolic space this is the sphere at infinity. In spherical space it
- is the equatorial sphere.
- *Done*
- This button dismisses the *Cameras* panel.
- File: geomview Node: Saving, Prev: Cameras, Up: Interaction, Next: Command Obscure
- Saving your work
- ================
- Geomview's *Save* panel lets you store Geomview objects and other
- information in files that you can read back into Geomview or other
- programs.
- To use the *Save* panel you select the desired format in the
- browser next to the word *Save*, enter the name of the object you
- want to save in the text field next to the word *for*, and enter
- the name of the file you wish to save to in the long text field next to
- the word *in*. You can then either hit `RET' or click
- on the *OK* button. When the file has been written, the *Save*
- panel disappears. If you want to dismiss the *Save* panel without
- writing a file, click the *Cancel* button.
- If you specify `-' as the file name, Geomview will write the file
- to standard output, i.e. in the shell window from which you invoked
- Geomview.
- The possible formats are given below. The kind of object that can
- be written with each format is given in parentheses.
- *Commands (any object)*
- This write a file of gcl commands containing all information about
- the object. Loading this file later will restore the object as well as
- all other information about it, such as appearance, transformations,
- etc.
- *Geometry alone (geom)*
- This writes an OOGL file containing just the geometry of the object.
- *Geometry [in world] (geom)*
- This writes an OOGL file containing just the geometry of the object,
- transformed under Geomview's current transformation for this object.
- Use this if you have moved the object from its initial position and want
- to save the new position relative to the world.
- *Geometry [in universe] (geom)*
- This writes an OOGL file containing just the geometry of the geom,
- transformed under both the object's transformaton and the world's
- transformation.
- *RMan [->tiff] (camera)*
- Writes a RenderMan file which when rendered creates a tiff image.
- *RMan [->frame] (camera)*
- Writes a RenderMan file which when rendered causes an image to appear in
- an Iris window.
- *SGI snapshot (camera)*
- Write an SGI raster file. A bell rings when the snapshot is complete.
- *Camera (camera)*
- Writes an OOGL file of a camera.
- *Transform [to world] (any object)*
- Writes an OOGL transform file giving Geomview's transform for the object.
- *Transform [to universe] (any object)*
- Writes an OOGL transform file giving a transform which is the
- composition of Geomview's transform for the object and the transform for
- the world.
- *Window (camera)*
- Writes an OOGL window file for a camera.
- *Panels*
- Writes a gcl file containing commands which record
- the state of all the Geomview panels. Loading this file later will
- restore the positions of all the panels.
- File: geomview Node: Command Obscure, Prev: Saving, Up: Interaction, Next: Keyboard Shortcuts
- The Commands and Obscure Panels
- ===============================
- The *Commands* panel lets you type in a gcl command. When
- you hit `RET', Geomview interprets the command and prints any
- resulting output or error messages on standard output. You can edit the
- text and hit `RET' as many times as you like, in general,
- whenever you hit `RET' with the cursor in the *Commands*
- panel, Geomview tries to interpret whatever text you have typed in the
- text field as a command.
- The *Obscure* panel is for relatively obscure things that don't
- really belong on any of the other panels. In the present version of
- Geomview, the *Obscure* panel includes the *NORMALIZE GEOMETRY*
- browser, which controls the kind of geometry normalization that Geomview does,
- and several buttons affecting motion style.
- Normalization is a kind of scaling; Geomview can scale an object so that
- it fits within a certain region. The main point of normalization is to
- allow you to easily view all of an object without having to worry about
- how big it is. We are gradually replacing Geomview's normalization
- feature with more robust camera positioning features. In general, the
- best way to make sure you are seeing all of an object is to use the
- *Look At* button on the *Tools* panel. Normalization may
- be completely replaced by this and other features in a future version of
- Geomview.
- Normalization is a property that applies to each geom separately. The
- *NORMALIZE GEOMETRY* browser affects the normalization property
- of target geom. If the target geom is "World", it affects all geoms.
- *None*
- Do no normalization.
- *Individual*
- Normalize this geom to fit within a unit sphere.
- *Sequence*
- This resembles "Individual", except when an object is changing. Then,
- "Individual" tightly fits the bounding box around the object whenever it
- changes and normalizes accordingly, while "Sequence" normalizes the
- union of all variants of the object and normalizes accordingly.
- *Keep*
- This leaves the current normalization transform unchanged when the
- object changes. It may be useful to apply "Individual" or "Sequence"
- normalization to the first version of a changing object to bring
- it in view, then switch to "Keep".
- The *Motion Style* controls include the following buttons.
- *[ui] Inertia*
- Normally, moving objects have inertia: if the mouse is still moving
- when the button is released, the selected object continues to move.
- When *Inertia* is off, objects cease to move as soon as you release
- the mouse.
- *[uc] Constrain Motion*
- It's sometimes handy to move an object in a direction aligned with a
- coordinate axis: exactly horizontally or vertically. Selecting
- *Constrain Motion* changes the interpretation of mouse motions
- to allow this; approximately-horizontal or approximately-vertical mouse dragging
- becomes exactly horizontal or vertical motion. Note that the motion is
- still along the X or Y axes of the camera in which you move the mouse,
- not necessarily the object's own coordinate system.
- *[uo] Own Coordinates*
- It's sometimes handy to move objects with respect to the coordinate system
- where they were defined, rather than with respect to some camera. While
- *Own Coordinates* is selected, all motions are interpreted that way:
- dragging the mouse rightward in translate mode moves the object in its own +X
- direction, and so on. May be especially useful in conjunction with
- the *Constrain Motion* button.
- File: geomview Node: Keyboard Shortcuts, Prev: Command Obscure, Up: Interaction, Next: OOGL File Formats
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- ==================
- Most actions that you can do through Geomview's panels have equivalent
- keyboard shortcuts so that you can do the same action by typing a
- sequence of keys on the keyboard. This is useful for advanced users who
- are familiar with Geomview's capabilities and want to work quickly
- without having to have lots of panels cluttering up the screen.
- Keyboard shortcuts usually are indicated in square brackets ([ ]) near
- the corresponding item in a panel. For example, the keyboard shortcut
- for *Rotate* mode is 'r'; this is indicated by "[r]" appearing
- before the word "Rotate" in the *MOTION MODE* browser. To
- use this keyboard shortcut just hit the `r' key while the mouse
- cursor is in any Geomview window. Do not hit the `RET' key
- afterwards.
- Some keyboard shortcuts consist of more than one key. In these cases
- just type the keys one after the other, with no `RET'
- afterwards. Keyboard shortcuts are case sensitive. You can cancel a
- multi-key keyboard shortcut that you have started by typing any invalid
- key, for example `^'.
- Keyboard commands apply while the cursor is in any camera window and
- most control panels.
- Many keyboard shortcuts allow numeric arguments which you type as a
- prefix to the command key(s). For example, the shortcut for
- *Near clip* in the camera panel is `v n'. To set the near
- clip plane to "0.5", type `0.5 v n'. Commands that don't take a
- numeric prefix toggle or reset the current value.
- Most commands allow one of the following selection prefixes. If none is
- provided the command applies to the target object.
- `g'
- world geom
- `g#'
- #'th geom
- `g*'
- All geoms
- `c'
- current camera
- `c#'
- #'th camera
- `c*'
- All cameras
- For example, `g 4 a f' means toggle the face drawing of object
- *g4*.
- The text field in the upper left corner of the *Main* panel
- shows the state of the current keyboard shortcut.
- In addition to the keyboard shortcuts for the panel commands, there is
- also a shortcut for picking a target object: type the short name of the
- object followed by `p'. For example, to select object *g3*,
- type `g 3 p'. This only works with the short names --- the ones
- that appear in square brackets ([ ]) in the *TARGET* browser of
- the *Main* panel.
- Below is a summary of all keyboard shortcuts.
- Draw
- `af'
- Faces
- `ae'
- Edges
- `an'
- Normals
- `ab'
- Bounding Boxes
- `aV'
- Vectors
- Shading
- `0as'
- Constant
- `1as'
- Flat
- `2as'
- Smooth
- `3as'
- Smooth, non-lighted
- `aT'
- allow transparency
- Other
- `av'
- eVert normals: always face viewer
- `#aw'
- Line Width (pixels)
- `#ac'
- edges Closer than faces (try 5-100)
- Color
- `Cf'
- faces
- `Ce'
- edges
- `Cn'
- normals
- `Cb'
- bounding boxes
- `CB'
- background
- Motions
- `r'
- rotate
- `t'
- translate
- `z'
- zoom FOV
- `f'
- fly
- `o'
- orbit
- `s'
- scale
- `w'
- recenter target
- `W'
- recenter all
- `h'
- halt
- `H'
- halt all
- `@'
- select center of motion (e.g. `g 3 @')
- `L'
- Look At object
- Viewing
- `0vp'
- Orthographic view
- `1vp'
- Perspective view
- `vd'
- Draw other views' cameras
- `#vv'
- field of View
- `#vn'
- near clip distance
- `#vf'
- far clip distance
- `v+'
- add new camera
- `vx'
- cursor on/off
- `vb'
- backfacing poly cull on/off
- `#vl'
- focal length
- `v~'
- Software shading on/off
- Panels
- `Pm'
- Main
- `Pa'
- Appearance
- `Pl'
- Lighting
- `Po'
- Obscure
- `Pt'
- Tools
- `Pc'
- Cameras
- `PC'
- Commands
- `Pf'
- Files
- `Ps'
- Save
- `P-'
- read commands from tty
- Lights
- `ls'
- show lights
- `le'
- edit lights
- Space
- `me'
- Euclidean
- `mh'
- Hyperbolic
- `ms'
- Spherical
- Model
- `mv'
- Virtual
- `mp'
- Projective
- `mc'
- Conformal
- Other
- `0N'
- normalizaton: none
- `1N'
- normalization: each
- `2N all'
- normalization: all
- `ui'
- motion: Inertia
- `uc'
- motion: Constrain to axis
- `uo'
- motion: object's Own coordinates
- `<'
- `Pf'
- load geometry/command file
- `dd'
- delete target object
- `>'
- `Ps'
- save state to file
- `TV'
- NTSC mode toggle
- `p'
- pick as target object (e.g. `g 3 p')
- With no prefix, selects the object under the
- mouse cursor (like double-clicking the right mouse)
- File: geomview Node: OOGL File Formats, Prev: Keyboard Shortcuts, Up: Top, Next: Conventions
- OOGL File Formats
- *****************
- The objects that you can load into Geomview are called OOGL objects.
- OOGL stands for "Object Oriented Graphics Library"; it is the library
- upon which Geomview is built.
- There are many different kinds of OOGL objects. This chapter gives
- syntactic descriptions of file formats for OOGL objects.
- Examples of most file types live in Geomview's `data/geom'
- directory.
- * Menu:
- * Conventions:: Conventions.
- * Object File Formats:: Object File Formats.
- * Non-geometric objects:: Non-geometric objects.
- File: geomview Node: Conventions, Prev: OOGL File Formats, Up: OOGL File Formats, Next: Common syntax
- Conventions
- ===========
- * Menu:
- * Common syntax:: Syntax Common to All OOGL File Formats.
- * File names:: File Names.
- * Vertices:: Vertices.
- * Surface normal directions:: Surface normal directions.
- * Transformation matrices:: Transformation matrices.
- * Binary format:: Binary format.
- * References:: Embedded objects and external-object references.
- * Appearances:: Appearances.
- File: geomview Node: Common syntax, Prev: Conventions, Up: Conventions, Next: File names
- Syntax Common to All OOGL File Formats
- --------------------------------------
- Most OOGL object file formats are free-format ASCII --- any amount of
- white space (blanks, tabs, newlines) may appear between tokens (numbers,
- key words, etc.). Line breaks are almost always insignificant, with a
- couple of exceptions as noted. Comments begin with # and continue to
- the end of the line; they're allowed anywhere a newline is.
- Binary formats are also defined for several objects; *Note Binary format::, and the individual object descriptions.
- Typical OOGL objects begin with a key word designating object type,
- possibly with modifiers indicating presence of color information etc.
- In some formats the key word is optional, for compatibility with file
- formats defined elsewhere. Object type is then determined by
- guessing from the file suffix (if any) or from the data itself.
- Key words are case sensitive. Some have optional prefix letters
- indicating presence of color or other data; in this case the order of
- prefixes is significant, e.g. `CNMESH' is meaningful but
- `NCMESH' is invalid.
- File: geomview Node: File names, Prev: Common syntax, Up: Conventions, Next: Vertices
- File Names
- ----------
- When OOGL objects are read from disk files, the OOGL library uses the
- file suffix to guess at the file type.
- If the suffix is unrecognized, or if no suffix is available (e.g. for an
- object being read from a pipe, or embedded in another OOGL object), all
- known types of objects are tried in turn until one accepts the data as
- valid.
- File: geomview Node: Vertices, Prev: File names, Up: Conventions, Next: Surface normal directions
- Vertices
- --------
- Several objects share a common style of representing vertices with
- optional per-vertex surface-normal and color. All vertices within an
- object have the same format, specified by the header key word.
- All data for a vertex is grouped together (as opposed to e.g. giving
- coordinates for all vertices, then colors for all vertices, and so on).
- The syntax is
- `X Y Z'
- (3-D floating-point vertex coordinates) or
- `X Y Z W'
- (4-D floating-point vertex coordinates)
- optionally followed by
- `NX NY NZ'
- (normalized 3-D surface-normal if present)
- optionally followed by
- `R G B A'
- (4-component floating-point color if present, each component in range
- 0..1. The A (alpha) component represents opacity: 0 transparent, 1
- opaque.)
- Values are separated by white space, and line breaks
- are immaterial.
- File: geomview Node: Surface normal directions, Prev: Vertices, Up: Conventions, Next: Transformation matrices
- Surface normal directions
- -------------------------
- Geomview uses normal vectors to determine how an object is shaded.
- The direction of the normal is significant in this calculation.
- When normals are supplied with an object, the direction of the normal
- is determined by the data given.
- When normals are not supplied with the object, Geomview computes normal
- vectors automatically; in this case normals point toward the side from
- which the vertices appear in counterclockwise order.
- On parametric surfaces (Bezier patches), the normal at point P(u,v)
- is in the direction dP/du cross dP/dv.
- File: geomview Node: Transformation matrices, Prev: Surface normal directions, Up: Conventions, Next: Binary format
- Transformation matrices
- -----------------------
- Some objects incorporate 4x4 real matrices for homogeneous object
- transformations. These matrices act by multiplication on the right of
- vectors. Thus, if p is a 4-element row vector representing homogeneous
- coordinates of a point in the OOGL object, and A is the 4x4 matrix, then
- the transformed point is p' = p A. This matrix convention is common in
- computer graphics; it's the transpose of that often used in mathematics,
- where points are column vectors multiplied on the right of matrices.
- Thus for Euclidean transformations, the translation components appear in
- the fourth row (last four elements) of A. A's last column (4th, 8th,
- 12th and 16th elements) are typically 0, 0, 0, and 1 respectively.
- File: geomview Node: Binary format, Prev: Transformation matrices, Up: Conventions, Next: References
- Binary format
- -------------
- Many OOGL objects accept binary as well as ASCII file formats.
- These files begin with the usual ASCII token (e.g. `CQUAD')
- followed by the word `BINARY'.
- Binary data begins at the byte following the first newline after
- `BINARY'. White space and a single comment may intervene, e.g.
- OFF BINARY # binary-format "OFF" data follows
- Binary data comprise 32-bit integers and 32-bit IEEE-format floats, both
- in big-endian format (i.e., with most significant byte first). This is
- the native format for 'int's and 'float's on Sun-3's, Sun-4's, and
- Irises, among others.
- Binary data formats resemble the corresponding ASCII formats, with ints
- and floats in just the places you'd expect. There are some exceptions
- though, specifically in the `QUAD' and `OFF' file formats.
- Details are given in the individual file format descriptions.
- *Note QUAD::, and *Note OFF::.
- Binary OOGL objects may be freely mixed in ASCII object streams:
- ... binary data for mesh here ...
- }
- { = QUAD
- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
- }
- Note that ASCII data resumes immediately following the last byte of
- binary data.
- Naturally, it's impossible to embed comments inside a binary-format OOGL
- object, though comments may appear in the header before the beginning of
- binary data.
- File: geomview Node: References, Prev: Binary format, Up: Conventions, Next: Appearances
- Embedded objects and external-object references
- -----------------------------------------------
- Some object types (`LIST', `INST') allow references to other
- OOGL objects, which may appear literally in the data stream, be loaded
- from named disk files, or be communicated from elsewhere via named
- objects. Gcl commands also accept geometry in these forms.
- The general syntax is
- <oogl-object> ::=
- [ "{" ]
- [ "define" `symbolname' ]
- [ "appearance" `appearance' ]
- [ ["="] `object-keyword' ...
- | "<" `filename'
- | ":" `symbolname' ]
- [ "}" ]
- where "quoted" items are literal strings (which appear without the
- quotes), [bracketed] items are optional, and | denotes alternatives.
- Curly braces, when present, must match; the outermost set of curly
- braces is generally required when the object is in a larger context,
- e.g. when it is part of a larger object or embedded in a Geomview
- command stream.
- For example, each of the following three lines:
- { define fred QUAD 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 }
- { appearance { +edge } LIST { < "file1" } { : fred } }
- VECT 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
- is a valid OOGL object. The last example is only valid when it is
- delimited unambiguously by residing in its own disk file.
- The "<" construct causes a disk file to be read. Note that this isn't a
- general textual "include" mechanism; a complete OOGL object must appear
- in the referenced file.
- Files read using "<" are sought first in the directory of the file which
- referred to them, if any; failing that, the normal search path (set by
- Geomview's `load-path' command) is used. The default search looks
- first in the current directory, then in the Geomview data directories.
- The ":" construct allows references to symbols, created with
- `define'. A symbol's initial value is a null object. When a
- symbol is (re)defined, all references to it are automatically changed;
- this is a crucial part of the support for interprocess communication.
- Some future version of the documentation should explain this better...
- Again, white space and line breaks are insignificant, and "#" comments
- may appear anywhere.
- File: geomview Node: Appearances, Prev: References, Up: Conventions, Next: Object File Formats
- Appearances
- -----------
- Geometric objects can have associated "appearance" information,
- specifying shading, lighting, color, wireframe vs. shaded-surface
- display, and so on. Appearances are inherited through object
- hierarchies, e.g. attaching an appearance to a `LIST' means that the
- appearance is applied to all the `LIST''s members.
- Some appearance-related properties are relegated to "material" and
- "lighting" substructures. Take care to note which properties belong to
- which structure.
- Here's an example appearance structure including values for all
- attributes. Order of attributes is unimportant. As usual, white space
- is irrelevant. Boolean attributes may be preceded by "+" or "-" to turn
- them on or off; "+" is assumed if only the attribute name appears.
- Other attributes expect values.
- A "*" prefix on any attribute, e.g. "*+edge" or "*linewidth 2",
- selects "override" status for that attribute.
- appearance {
- +face # draw faces of polygons
- -edge # don't draw edges of polygons
- -transparent # don't attempt transparency (not implemented)
- +normal # do draw surface-normal vectors
- normscale .25 # ... with length .25 in object coordinates
- +evert # do evert polygon normals where needed so as
- # to always face the camera
- shading smooth # or "shading constant" or "shading flat".
- # smooth = Gouraud shading; flat = faceted.
- linewidth 3 # lines & edges are 3 pixels wide.
- material { # Here's a material definition;
- # it could also be read from a file as in
- # "material < file.mat"
- ka 1.0 # ambient reflection coefficient.
- ambient .3 .5 .3 # ambient color (red, green, blue components)
- # The ambient contribution to the shading is
- # the product of ka, the ambient color,
- # and the color of the ambient light.
- kd 0.8 # diffuse-reflection coefficient.
- diffuse .9 1 .4 # diffuse color.
- # (In "shading constant" mode, the surface
- # is colored with the diffuse color.)
- ks 1.0 # specular reflection coefficient.
- specular 1 1 1 # specular (highlight) color.
- shininess 25 # specular exponent; larger values give
- # sharper highlights.
- alpha 1.0 # opacity; 0 = transparent (invisible)
- # when transparency is enabled.
- edgecolor 1 1 0 # line & edge color
- normalcolor 0 0 0 # color for surface-normal vectors
- }
- lighting { # Lighting model
- ambient .3 .3 .3 # ambient light
- replacelights # "Use only the following lights to
- # illuminate the objects under this
- # appearance."
- # Without "replacelights", any lights
- # are added to those already in the scene.
- # Now a collection of real lights
- light {
- color 1 .7 .6 # light color
- position 1 0 .5 0 # light position [distant light]
- # given in homogeneous coordinates.
- # With fourth component = 0,
- # this means a light coming from
- # direction (1,0,.5).
- }
- light { # Another light.
- color 1 1 1
- position 0 0 .5 1 # light at finite position ...
- location camera # specified in camera coordinates.
- # (Since the camera looks toward -Z,
- # this example places the light
- # .5 unit behind the eye.)
- # Possible "location" keywords:
- # global light position is in world coordinates
- # This is the default if no location specified.
- # camera position is in the camera's coordinate system
- # local position is in the coordinate system where
- # the appearance was defined
- }
- } # end lighting model
- } # end appearance
- There are rules for inheritance of appearance attributes when several
- are imposed at different levels in the hierarchy.
- For example, Geomview installs a backstop appearance which provides
- default values for most parameters; its control panels install other
- appearances which supply new values for a few attributes; user-supplied
- geometry may also contain appearances.
- The general rule is that the child's appearance (the one closest to the
- geometric primitives) wins. So setting an appearance attribute in an
- object's definition will prevent the viewer controls from affecting that
- object's display.
- File: geomview Node: Object File Formats, Prev: Appearances, Up: OOGL File Formats, Next: QUAD
- Object File Formats
- ===================
- * Menu:
- * QUAD:: List of quadrilaterals.
- * MESH:: Rectangularly-connected mesh.
- * BBP and BEZ:: List of Bezier surface patches.
- * OFF:: Polyhedra: polygons with shared vertices.
- * VECT:: List of points and lines.
- * INST:: Transformed Instance of another object.
- * LIST:: List of other objects.
- * TLIST:: Collection of 4x4 transformation matrices.
- * GROUP:: Obsolete format for collections of objects.
- * DISCGRP:: Discrete Group objects.
- File: geomview Node: QUAD, Prev: Object File Formats, Up: Object File Formats, Next: MESH
- `QUAD': collection of quadrilaterals
- ------------------------------------
- The conventional suffix for a `QUAD' file is `.quad'.
- The file syntax is
- [C][N][4]QUAD -or- [C][N][4]POLY # Key word
- VERTEX VERTEX VERTEX VERTEX # 4*N vertices for some N
- ...
- The leading key word is `[C][N][4]QUAD' or `[C][N][4]POLY',
- where the optional `C' and `N' prefixes indicate that each vertex
- includes colors and normals respectively. That is, these files
- begin with one of the words
- (but not `NCQUAD' or `NCPOLY'). `QUAD' and `POLY'
- are synonymous; both forms are allowed just for compatibility with
- ChapReyes.
- Following the key word is an arbitrary number of groups of four
- vertices, each group describing a quadrilateral. See the Vertex syntax
- above. The object ends at end-of-file, or with a closebrace if
- incorporated into an object reference (see above).
- A `QUAD BINARY' file format is accepted; *Note Binary format::. The
- first word of binary data must be a 32-bit integer giving the number of
- quads in the object; following that is a series of 32-bit floats,
- arranged just as in the ASCII format.
- File: geomview Node: MESH, Prev: QUAD, Up: Object File Formats, Next: BBP and BEZ
- `MESH': rectangularly-connected mesh
- ------------------------------------
- The conventional suffix for a `MESH' file is `.mesh'.
- The file syntax is
- [C][N][Z][4][U][u][v]MESH # Key word
- NU NV # Mesh dimensions
- # NU*NV vertices, in format specified
- # by initial key word
- VERTEX(u=0,v=0) VERTEX(1,0) ... VERTEX(NU-1,0)
- VERTEX(0,1) ... VERTEX(NU-1,1)
- ...
- VERTEX(0,NV-1) ... VERTEX(NU-1,NV-1)
- The key word is `[C][N][Z][4][U][u][v]MESH'.
- The optional prefix characters mean:
- `C'
- Each vertex (see Vertices above) includes a 4-component color.
- `N'
- Each vertex includes a surface normal vector.
- `Z'
- Of the 3 vertex position values, only the Z component is present; X and
- Y are omitted, and assumed to equal the mesh (u,v) coordinate so X
- ranges from 0 .. (Nu-1), Y from 0 .. (Nv-1) where Nu and Nv are the mesh
- dimensions -- see below.
- `4'
- Vertices are 4D, each consists of 4 floating values. `Z' and
- `4' cannot both be present.
- `U'
- Each vertex includes a 3-component texture space parameter. This is
- not yet implemented and should not be used.
- `u'
- The mesh is wrapped in the u-direction, so the
- (0,v)'th vertex is connected to the (NU-1,v)'th for all v.
- `v'
- The mesh is wrapped in the v-direction, so the (u,0)'th vertex is
- connected to the (u,NV-1)'th for all u. Thus a u-wrapped or
- v-wrapped mesh is topologically a cylinder, while a uv-wrapped mesh is a
- torus.
- Note that the order of prefix characters is significant; a colored,
- u-wrapped mesh is a `CuMESH' not a `uCMESH'.
- Following the mesh header are integers NU and NV,
- the dimensions of the mesh.
- Then follow NU*NV vertices, each in the form given by the header.
- They appear in v-major order, i.e. if we name each vertex by (u,v)
- then the vertices appear in the order
- (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) ... (NU-1,0)
- (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) ... (NU-1,1)
- ...
- (0,Nv-1) ... (NU-1,NV-1)
- A `MESH BINARY' format is accepted; *Note Binary format::. The
- values of NU and NV are 32-bit integers; all other values
- are 32-bit floats.
- File: geomview Node: BBP and BEZ, Prev: MESH, Up: Object File Formats, Next: OFF
- Bezier Surfaces
- ---------------
- The conventional file suffixes for Bezier surface files are `.bbp'
- or `.bez'. A file with either suffix may contain either type of
- patch.
- Syntax:
- [ST]BBP -or- [C]BEZ<NU><NV><ND>[_ST]
- # NU, NV are u- and v-direction
- # polynomial degrees in range 1..6
- # ND = dimension: 3->3-D, 4->4-D (rational)
- # (The '<' and '>' do not appear in the input.)
- # NU,NV,ND are each a single decimal digit.
- # BBP form implies NU=NV=ND=3 so BBP = BEZ333.
- # Any number of patches follow the header
- # (NU+1)*(NV+1) patch control points
- # each 3 or 4 floats according to header
- VERTEX(u=0,v=0) VERTEX(1,0) ... VERTEX(NU,0)
- VERTEX(0,1) ... VERTEX(NU,1)
- ...
- # ST texture coordinates if mentioned in header
- `S'(u=0,v=0) `T'(0,0) `S'(0,NV) `T'(0,NV)
- `S'(NU,0) `T'(NU,0) `S'(NU,NV) `T'(NU,NV)
- # 4-component float (0..1) R G B A colors
- # for each patch corner if mentioned in header
- `RGBA'(0,0) `RGBA'(0,NV)
- `RGBA'(NU,0) `RGBA'(NU,NV)
- These formats represent collections of Bezier surface patches, of
- degrees up to 6, and with 3-D or 4-D (rational) vertices.
- The header keyword has the forms `[ST]BBP' or
- `[C]BEZ<NU><NV><ND>[_ST]' (the '<' and '>' are
- not part of the keyword.
- The `ST' prefix on `BBP', or `_ST' suffix on
- `BEZuvn', indicates that each patch includes four pairs of
- floating-point texture-space coordinates, one for each corner of the
- patch.
- The `C' prefix on `BEZuvn' indicates a colored patch,
- including four sets of four-component floating-point colors (red, green,
- blue, and alpha) in the range 0..1, one color for each corner.
- NU and NV, each a single digit in the range 1..6, are the
- patch's polynomial degree in the u and v direction respectively.
- ND is the number of components in each patch vertex, and must be
- either `3' for 3-D or `4' for homogeneous coordinates, that
- is, rational patches.
- `BBP' patches are bicubic patches with 3-D vertices, so `BBP'
- = `BEZ333' and `STBBP' = `BEZ333_ST'.
- Any number of patches follow the header. Each patch comprises a series
- of patch vertices, followed by optional (s,t) texture coordinates,
- followed by optional (r,g,b,a) colors.
- Each patch has (NU+1)*(NV+1) vertices in v-major order, so that if we
- designate a vertex by its control point indices (u,v) the order is
- (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) ... (NU,0)
- (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) ... (NU,1)
- ...
- (0,NV) ... (NU,NV)
- with each vertex containing either 3 or 4 floating-point numbers
- as specified by the header.
- If the header calls for ST coordinates, four pairs of floating-point
- numbers follow: the texture-space coordinates for the (0,0),
- (NU,0), (0,NV), and (NU,NV) corners of the
- patch, respectively.
- If the header calls for colors, four four-component (red, green, blue,
- alpha) floating-point colors follow, one for each patch corner.
- The series of patches ends at end-of-file, or with a closebrace if
- incorporated in an object reference.
- File: geomview Node: OFF, Prev: BBP and BEZ, Up: Object File Formats, Next: VECT
- OFF Files
- ---------
- The conventional suffix for `OFF' files is `.off'.
- Syntax:
- [C][N][4]OFF # Header keyword (optional)
- NVERTICES NFACES NEDGES # NEdges not used or checked
- X[0] Y[0] Z[0] # Vertices, possibly with colors
- # and/or normals if `COFF' or `NOFF'
- ...
- # Faces
- # NV = # vertices on this face
- # V[0] ... V[NV-1]: vertex indices
- # in range 0..NVERTICES-1
- NV V[0] V[1] ... V[NV-1] COLORSPEC
- ...
- # COLORSPEC continues past V[NV-1]
- # to end-of-line; may be 0 to 4 numbers
- # nothing: default
- # integer: colormap index
- # 3 or 4 integers: RGB[A] values 0..255
- # 3 or 4 floats: RGB[A] values 0..1
- `OFF' files (name for "object file format") represent collections
- of planar polygons with possibly shared vertices, a convenient way to
- describe polyhedra. The polygons may be concave but there's no
- provision for polygons containing holes.
- An `OFF' file may begin with the keyword `OFF'; it's
- recommended but optional, as many existing files lack this keyword.
- Three ASCII integers follow: NVERTICES, NFACES, and
- NEDGES. Thse are the number of vertices, faces, and edges,
- respectively. Current software does not use nor check NEDGES; it
- needn't be correct but must be present.
- The vertex coordinates follow: dimension * NVERTICES
- floating-point values. They're implicitly numbered 0 through
- NVERTICES-1. dimension is either 3 (default) or 4 (specified by
- the key character `4' directly before `OFF' in the keyword).
- Following these are the face descriptions, typically written
- with one line per face. Each has the form
- Here N is the number of vertices on this face,
- and VERT1 through VERTN are indices into the list of
- vertices (in the range 0..NVERTICES-1).
- The optional COLOR may take several forms. Line breaks are
- significant here: the COLOR description begins after VERTN
- and ends with the end of the line (or the next # comment). A
- COLOR may be:
- nothing
- the default color
- one integer
- index into "the" colormap; see below
- three or four integers
- RGB and possibly alpha values in the range 0..255
- three or four floating-point numbers
- RGB and possibly alpha values in the range 0..1
- For the one-integer case, the colormap is currently read from the file
- `cmap.fmap' in Geomview's `data' directory. Some better
- mechanism for supplying a colormap is likely someday.
- The meaning of "default color" varies. If no face of the object has a
- color, all inherit the environment's default material color. If some
- but not all faces have colors, the default is gray (R,G,B,A=.666).
- A `[C][N]OFF BINARY' format is accepted; *Note Binary format::. It
- resembles the ASCII format in almost the way you'd expect, with 32-bit
- integers for all counters and vertex indices and 32-bit floats for
- vertex positions (and vertex colors or normals if
- `COFF'/`NOFF'/`CNOFF' format).
- Exception: each face's vertex indices are followed by an integer
- indicating how many color components accompany it. Face color
- components must be floats, not integer values. Thus a colorless
- triangular face might be represented as
- int int int int int
- 3 17 5 9 0
- while the same face colored red might be
- int int int int int float float float float
- 3 17 5 9 4 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
- File: geomview Node: VECT, Prev: OFF, Up: Object File Formats, Next: INST
- VECT Files
- ----------
- The conventional suffix for `VECT' files is `{.vect}.'
- Syntax:
- [4]VECT
- NV[0] ... NV[NPOLYLINES-1] # number of vertices
- # in each polyline
- NC[0] ... NC[NPOLYLINES-1] # number of colors supplied
- # in each polyline
- VERT[0] ... VERT[NVERTICES-1] # All the vertices
- # (3*NVertices floats)
- COLOR[0] ... COLOR[NCOLORS-1] # All the colors
- # (4*NColors floats, RGBA)
- `VECT' objects represent lists of polylines (strings of connected
- line segments, possibly closed). A degenerate polyline can be used to
- represent a point.
- A `VECT' file begins with the key word `VECT' or `4VECT'
- and three integers: NLINES, NVERTICES, and NCOLORS.
- Here NLINES is the number of polylines in the file,
- NVERTICES the total number of vertices, and NCOLORS the
- number of colors as explained below.
- Next come NLINES integers
- NV[0] NV[1] NV[2] ... NV[NLINES-1]
- giving the number of vertices in each polyline. A negative number
- indicates a closed polyline; 1 denotes a single-pixel point. The sum
- (of absolute values) of the NV[I] must equal NVERTICES.
- Next come NLINES more integers Nc[i]: the number of colors in
- each polyline. Normally one of three values:
- 0
- No color is specified for this polyline. It's drawn in the same color
- as the previous polyline.
- 1
- A single color is specified. The entire polyline is drawn in that
- color.
- abs(NV[I])
- Each vertex has a color. Either each segment is drawn in the
- corresponding color, or the colors are smoothly interpolated along the
- line segments, depending on the implementation.
- The sum of the NC[I] must equal NCOLORS.
- Next come NVERTICES groups of 3 or 4 floating-point numbers: the
- coordinates of all the vertices. If the keyword is 4VECT then
- there are 4 values per vertex. The first abs(NV[0]) of them form
- the first polyline, the next abs(NV[1]) form the second and so on.
- Finally NCOLORS groups of 4 floating-point numbers give red,
- green, blue and alpha (opacity) values. The first NC[0] of them
- apply to the first polyline, and so on.
- A VECT BINARY format is accepted; *Note Binary format::. The
- binary format exactly follows the ASCII format, with 32-bit ints where
- integers appear, and 32-bit floats where real values appear.
- File: geomview Node: INST, Prev: VECT, Up: Object File Formats, Next: INST Examples
- INST Files
- ----------
- The conventional suffix for a `INST' file is `.inst'.
- An `INST' applies a 4x4 transformation to another OOGL object. It
- begins with `INST' followed by these sections which may appear in
- any order:
- specifies the OOGL object to be instantiated. *Note References::, for
- the syntax of an OOGL-OBJECT. The keyword `unit' is a
- synonym for `geom'.
- transform ["{"] `4x4 transform' ["}"]
- specifies a single transformation matrix. Either the
- matrix may appear literally as 16 numbers, or there may be
- a reference to a "transform" object, i.e.
- "<" file-containing-4x4-matrix
- or
- ":" symbol-representing-"transform"-object>
- Another way to specify the transformation is
- transforms
- The OOGL-OBJECT must be a `TLIST' object (list of
- transformations) object, or a `LIST' whose members are ultimately
- `TLIST' objects. In effect, the `transforms' keyword takes a
- collection of 4x4 matrices and replicates the `geom' object, making
- one copy for each 4x4 matrix.
- If no `transform' nor `transforms' keyword appears, no
- transformation is applied (actually the identity is applied). This
- might be useful, e.g., for wrapping an appearance around an
- externally-supplied object.
- *Note Transformation matrices::, for the matrix format.
- There is no INST BINARY format.
- * Menu:
- * INST Examples:: Some example of `INST' Files.
- File: geomview Node: INST Examples, Prev: INST, Up: Object File Formats, Next: LIST
- INST Examples
- .............
- Here are some examples of `INST' files
- unit < xyz.vect
- transform {
- 1 0 0 0
- 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0
- 1 3 0 1
- }
- { appearance { +edge material { edgecolor 1 1 0 } }
- INST geom < mysurface.quad }
- {INST transform {: T} geom {<dodec.off}}
- { INST
- transforms
- { LIST
- { < some-matrices.prj }
- { < others.prj }
- { TLIST <still more of them> }
- }
- geom
- { # stuff replicated by all the above matrices
- ...
- }
- }
- File: geomview Node: LIST, Prev: INST Examples, Up: Object File Formats, Next: TLIST
- LIST Files
- ----------
- The conventional suffix for a `LIST' file is `.list'.
- A list of OOGL objects
- Syntax:
- ...
- Note that there's no explicit separation between the oogl-objects, so
- they should be enclosed in curly braces ({ }) for sanity. Likewise
- there's no explicit marker for the end of the list; unless appearing
- alone in a disk file, the whole construct should also be wrapped in
- braces, as in:
- { LIST { QUAD ... } { < xyz.quad } }
- A `LIST' with no elements, i.e. `{ LIST }', is valid, and is
- the easiest way to create an empty object. For example, to remove a
- symbol's definition you might write
- { define somesymbol { LIST } }
- File: geomview Node: TLIST, Prev: LIST, Up: Object File Formats, Next: GROUP
- TLIST Files
- -----------
- The conventional suffix for a `TLIST' file is `.grp' ("group")
- or or `.prj' ("projective" matrices).
- Collection of 4x4 matrices, used in the `transforms' section of and
- `INST' object.
- Syntax:
- TLIST # key word
- <4x4 matrix (16 floats)>
- ... # Any number of 4x4 matrices
- `TLIST's are used only within the `transforms' clause of an
- `INST' object. They cause the `INST's `geom' object to
- be instantiated once under each of the transforms in the `TLIST'.
- The effect is like that of a `LIST' of `INST's each with a
- single transform, and all referring to the same object, but is more
- efficient.
- Be aware that a `TLIST' is a kind of geometry object, distinct from a
- `transform' object. Some contexts expect one type of object,
- some the other. For example in
- INST transform { : MYT } geom { ... }
- MYT must be a transform object, which might have been
- created with the gcl
- (read transform { define myT 1 0 0 1 ... })
- while in
- INST transforms { : MYTS } geom { ... }
- or INST transforms { LIST {: MYTS} {< more.prj} } geom { ... }
- MYTS must be a geometry object, defined e.g. with
- (read geometry { define MYTS { TLIST 1 0 0 1 ... } })
- A `TLIST BINARY' format is accepted. Binary data begins with a
- 32-bit integer giving the number of transformations, followed by that
- number of 4x4 matrices in 32-bit floating-point format. The order of
- matrix elements is the same as in the ASCII format.